In a world of opportunities, one only needs to take a chance to succeed. The world that we live in today no longer considers entrepreneurial ambitions to be a niche space for the more privileged or financially endowed group. With a bare minimum sum and a great idea which could potentially storm the world, inventors, ideators and entrepreneurs bloom today in all walks of life.
For an individual who wishes to start something on their own, the point of departure is with the great idea which he/she discovers. While most characterise this discovery to be epiphanous, it usually is a eureka moment when one consciously looks around and understands his/her world, and that beyond this ambit better.
Now where do we find this business idea if we were to pin-point or make a check-list of places to look?
Popular literature and celebrity entrepreneurial guidebooks would ask one to “do what they love doing most”; something which would “quench their thirst for personal satisfaction and ambition at the same time”. While these books aren’t entirely wrong, it seems to be a bit facile for the lay man – it’s like saying if you are hungry, then you should probably find some food. Maybe a better way to look at it would be to tackle what you identify to be the greatest frustration or “pain-point” in your life when you do these things that you love.
The greatest ideas are born out of ideating solutions to simple problems which people tend to overlook. Now combine that with something that you love doing. What is the biggest irritation that you are forced to deal with when you do it? And that is your great business idea, right there! So maybe finding something which will let you walk through the streets without having to look at your GPS (Lechal Shoes) or cut a slice of pizza and lift it to serve (Pizza Scissors) is what the world needs.
Now taking this further, people often feel business ideas are born solely out of innate creativity or futuristic visions. These two are key components of a great idea, definitely. However, great ideas come to those who are in the habit of looking for them. So if you’ve been racking your brain for a way to start your own business but keep coming up short, you might just need a change of scenery. It is important for one to broaden their intellectual bandwidth and move beyond what he/she already knows or has experienced. So maybe its repurposing an existing idea which could make you the next big thing; something which isn’t pristinely original but are those which are out there waiting to be noticed. Everybody knew of cameras and how to take pictures of themselves (selfies). But to put it together to create the selfie stick? That’s an idea that sells.
In conclusion, great ideas aren’t an exclusive realm. One only needs to look and seize the moment. And to do anything, just anything, is a great place to start.